5 Signs That You Need To Call an Electrician

We all face malfunction or minor damages in the electrical system of our homes or offices. There may be flickering lights or around the house or frequent tripping of breakers that we ignore considering it a minor issue. But keep in mind that these minor electric issues can become significant and cause electric fires. Thus it is better to get them repaired sooner than later for the safety of your property and the residents living there. However, many homeowners think that they can fix these electric problems themselves, but electricity is not a thing to mess with. Every year hundreds of people get injured and die because of electric shocks or damages. Therefore, it is better to hire a professional electrician in Dubai to get the problem solved without any risk.

 Here we are enlisting some signs that whenever you notice, you should call an electrician without any delay.


  1. Circuit Breaker Tripping Frequently

 The most important part of the electrical system is a circuit breaker as it monitors the whole circuit, and whenever there is overload it instantly shutoff. Thus, preventing your property from electrical damage. So, if your circuit breaker is tripping off regularly, it means there is some underlying fault in the wiring that needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

  1. Warm Light Switches

 When the electrical system of your facility is working correctly, there should be no warm or hot switches. But if it occurs, it is a warning sign that the circuit is doing more than its standard capacity or overloaded. It can lead to fire hazards and electric shock, thus risking the safety of every resident of the house. Therefore you should hire a professional electrician in Dubai to redo wiring and fix the problem.


  1. Electric Sparks

You may notice minor sparks when you plug in a switch. However, these minute sparks are normal, but there are large and abnormal sparks when the outlet is overloaded. These sparks leap out of the plugs and are easily visible. Moreover, they last for over a second and are of white or yellow colour instead of blue. Hence, whenever you notice such abnormal sparks, immediately call an electrician.


  1. Flickering Lights

 Flickering, waning, and dimming lights are the indications that there is a problem in your electrical system. If even changing light fixtures do not solve the problem, it means there is some issue in the wiring. As the wiring of the house deteriorates over time, so you need to hire an electrician to diagnose the problem and do the necessary repairs.   


  1. Buzzing Sounds

Since the circuit is supposed to protect your property from surges, so any damage in the circuit can lead to severe problems. Whenever you notice any humming or bussing sound coming out of the circuit or breaker, please do not ignore it. As it is a sign that there is a serious problem in the wiring that may even lead to electric fire, so call an electrician before it gets too late. 

Other than these signs, if you notice any burning smell from the outlets or fluctuation in voltage, then you should hire a professional electrician in Dubai for the safety of your family and make your electrical system work efficiently.


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